How to Freshen Up Your Home for Spring

Since moving to Florida when I was a kid, I’ve always complained about our lack of seasons.  I threatened to move away the minute I could for most of my teenage years because of this.  “Florida just doesn’t have any seasons.  It’s just hot, hotter, tolerable, and okay” is what I would tell anyone who would listen.  It’s sort of true - even now I constantly wonder why we choose to live here as I peel my legs from the leather interior of my car on a scorching summer day. 

In the past few years I’ve finally developed a deep appreciation for what little change in season Florida does have to offer.  Instead of the leaves falling from the trees in the fall, many trees in Florida choose to do this in the spring.  I don’t know why I never noticed this in all my years growing up here, but it’s become so clear to me that there is a change happening.  My favorite thing about spring in Florida are the flowering trees.  We have a yellow tabebuia tree in our front yard and it drops nearly all of it’s leaves in the spring, leaving hundreds of yellow flowers dripping from its branches.  This time of year, the streets are lined with trees bursting with blooms of every color.  It’s magical!


If you’re starting to feel that seasonal change where you live, I invite you to join me in making a few simple swaps and additions to help freshen your home in preparation for spring.  

  1. De-Clutter your Surfaces

I don’t know about you, but every year after the holidays end I find the surfaces in my house littered with “extra stuff”.  Between Thanksgiving, Christmas, and birthday celebrations, we end up with a lot of extra.  In keeping with the traditional idea of spring cleaning, I love to give myself a clean slate going into spring.  Nothing creates the feeling of freshness like clear surfaces ready for endless possibilities.


2. Swap out heavy throws/pillows for lighter fabrics

I love a faux fur throw and some velvet pillows in the winter, but try swapping those out for something with a lighter fabric to welcome spring.  For pillows, I love to simply swap the pillow cover so I don’t need to store any “seasonal” pillows for half the year.  


3. Bring the outdoors in with branches or potted plants

Some people love to use easter eggs and ceramic bunnies when they’re decorating for spring, but I’m team green.  In fact, I try to stay away from what I would call “consumer” easter decor.  I don’t want to store it and I don’t want the added clutter a bunch of little items bring into my home.  Instead, I opt for things like real orchids and other potted plants to mimic what’s going on outside.  If you’re not a plant person, good faux branches are a great alternative.


4. Update your artwork

I love to add artwork that feels bolder and brighter this time of year.  You can do this so inexpensively by buying a new print from Etsy and putting it in a frame you already have.  You can also paint your own or if that’s not your thing, check out how I created a DIY family portrait using a photograph and the Waterlogue App.


5. Refresh your front porch

A fresh wreath, a new rug and some potted plants go a long way in making your home feel spring ready.  If you’re feeling particularly ambitious, you could even paint your door a fun color to switch things up.


6. Switch up your decor

Taking “heavy” feeling decor out and introducing decor in lighter colors does wonders for making your home feel like spring. I personally just removed a bunch of brass candlesticks from my bookshelves because they feel very Christmas to me. I want to encourage you to SHOP YOUR HOUSE FIRST before buying new things.  This is a lesson I need to remind myself of more often than not but it’s so true.  Even if something isn’t a color you’re into anymore, paint does wonders to give new life to decor.  We don’t need a bunch of new things to welcome this season.   Let’s be intentional about the items we bring into the house and make sure they’re really going to serve us.



DIY Watercolor Family Portrait 2.0


Spring Front Door Refresh